Careers in Conservation
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Opportunities Abound
There is a growing need for professionals who work in conservation, especially around riparian forest buffers. If you have interest and/or experience in the areas below, this may be a good time to pursue education and a career in this area.
Positions range from 1) primarily indoor focused like grant writing, communications and marketing, and program management, 2) hybrid positions split between indoor and outdoor work like doing site designs, meeting with property owners, and volunteer management, to those that are primarily outdoor focused like planting, buffer and landscape maintenance, and growing trees.
Here are some of the jobs available in the field:
- Arborists and Foresters
- Engineers
- Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development (LID), Stormwater Professionals
- Grounds Managers and other maintenance professionals
- Horticulturists
- Landscape architects and designers
- Integrated pest management (IPM) technicians or licensed pesticide applicators
- Landscape contractors and technicians
- Nutrient management (fertilizer) planners
- Soil and Environmental Scientists
- Urban Planners
- Agricultural and Natural Resources
- Other Related Professionals
2023 Business of Buffers Roundtable Final Report
Within the James River Watershed, existing riparian buffer contractors are seeing an increase in the demand for their services but are struggling to recruit and train the workforce needed to fulfill existing contracts, limiting their capacity to take on more work. In addition, the cost of doing business has risen (materials, fuel, equipment, labor rates), profits have decreased, there aren’t always enough seedlings to meet demand, and there have been disruptions in the supply chain for tree tubes. In 2023, CBLP and JRA organized a Business of Buffers roundtable to inform the following:
- Small Business Engagement with Buffer Projects
- Ongoing Outreach Activities for the Riparian Consortium
- Contractor Capacity Building
- Planning and Delivery of Training and Professional Development Workshops
Read the Report to see their findings and recommended actions »
Business of Buffers webinar
The Seed Your Future movement was founded to address a critical issue in the horticulture industry – the lack of enough qualified candidates for all of the open jobs across the art, science, technology and business of plants. Learn more »
Meet the Pros
See highlights from people in the field and hear about their career path.
Are you a conservation professional? Share your story »
Early Career, Internships & Volunteering
Whether you are just out of high school, college, or looking for a change in your career path, figuring out how to get your foot in the door can be hard! It’s also a time where you might want to try some things out to see what you like and don’t like. Internships and volunteering are both great options to learn more about the conservation world, meet potential employers, and get your feet wet.
Internships & Fellowships
The James River Stewardship Program offers 12-week positions to support James River riparian buffer maintenance. Internships typically start in late May to late August and recruitment starts in February. More info »
The Virginia Department of Forestry offers paid summer internships each year. They have entry level jobs that do not require a forestry degree. Many have significant fire-response duties. Careers in Forestry brochure »
The Virginia Cooperative Extension, a Virginia Tech program, offers paid summer internships across the state, primarily in agriculture or 4-H youth development. More info »
The Student Conservation Association offers stipened internships across the country. Reach out to them directly and ask for advice on curating your profile to get matched with an opportunity that is right for you. More info »
The National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates offer fellowships that can help if you are looking to get into a Masters program. More info »
The Appalachian Conservation Corps partners with land management agencies and organizations to accomplish critical conservation projects and offers internships and AmeriCorps positions . More info »
The Allegheny Mountain Institute offers tuition-free farm fellowships designed for individuals interested in rural agriculture and sustainable farming. More info »
The Virginia Master Naturalist Training runs intensive volunteer training courses that cover all kinds of ecology topics. Learn more »
Your city may have an active Tree Stewards group. Here are a few from around Virginia:
Join the James River Association and Chesapeake Bay Foundation to plant riparian buffers or become a Riparian Steward to help care for them. Volunteer information »

Continued Learning

Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) Certification
Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) Program is a system of materials and consistent instruction across the region, creating a community of certified professionals to be better stormwater partners and environmental stewards.
Visit the Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional website for complete information »
CBLP also offers a series of certificate programs including CBLP-Buffers, a comprehensive riparian buffer training program developed with Pennsylvania partners and members of the James Riparian Consortium.
CBLP-Buffers is taught in 3 sessions, and is comprised of a series of videos, webinars, and in-person field workshops. Field workshops are held in Maryland, Pennsylvania, or Virginia. More info »

Certified Pesticide Applicator
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services outlines the steps for becoming a commercial applicator or registered technician. Visit the VDACS website for complete information »
Nutrient Management Certification
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation offers training to receive nutrient management certification in either an Agriculture or Turf and Landscape category. Visit the VDCR website for complete information »
Sustainable Landscape Design with Woody Plants Certificate Program
This certificate program will familiarize you with woody plant identification, appropriate plant use, and design and landscape establishment in various human-impacted landscapes. Learn more »
Workshops & Training
There are a variety of workshops and training opportunities for you to build your knowledge of the latest and greatest in conservation practices and emerging needs. Keep an eye on our Consortium Calendar for related events.
Job Opportunities

Friends of the James River Park is Hiring for an Invasive Species Management Program Coordinator
The Invasive Species Management (ISM) Program Coordinator will serve as a supervisor for the James River Park System (JRPS) ISM team. The ISM team promotes sustainable management of park resources and protection of JRPS conservation areas through a combination of field work, community engagement, and project management. This position will guide and provide oversight on the work of the ISM team, maintain records on manual and chemical management of invasive species, and coordinate closely with the Invasive Plant Task Force, JRPS operations, and trail team on sustainable management practices in the James River Park System.
To read more, or to apply, visit
Ecosystem Services, LLC is Hiring a CAD Specialist
Are you passionate about using technology to create sustainable solutions and bring landscapes to life? Ecosystem Services is searching for a motivated and detail-oriented CAD Technician to support projects that improve water quality, manage stormwater, and rebuild native landscapes.
This position will work closely with our science and engineering teams to develop engineering plans for stream and wetland restoration and stormwater management projects. Drafting work will primarily be in AutoDesk Civil 3D. Preference for a candidate with consulting experience, and high standards for accuracy in detail from grading to erosion and sediment control measures.
To read more, or to apply, visit
Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (VASWCDs) is Hiring for the Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) Assistant Coordinator
The Virginia Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts (VASWCD) is currently accepting applications for its full-time Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) Assistant Coordinator position. Primary job responsibilities include receiving and reviewing project applications on a monthly basis, acting as liaison with district field staff, providing ongoing program and policy guidance for participating districts, assisting with onboarding of new district VCAP staff, managing project and grant files, leading ongoing improvements to program procedures and documentation, assisting with training programs and outreach events, presenting applications and project status updates to the VCAP Steering Committee, and providing ongoing assistance to the VASWCD Executive Director and VCAP Coordinator with program growth, management and promotion.
To read more, or to apply, visit
Appalachian Conservation Corps is Hiring for Crew Members, Leaders, and Individual Placements (IP) Positions
Appalachian Conservation Corps (ACC) seeks applicants who are interested in fully committing to the program, who are willing to overcome any challenges, and those who will take advantage of the opportunities, skills and trainings that are offered throughout their term of service. ACC seeks those who will benefit from and contribute the most to the program; many positions require no previous experience.
To read more, or to apply, visit
Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) is Hiring a Cartographer and GIS Analyst
PEC is seeking an experienced, innovative and collaborative GIS professional to help advance PEC’s mission. PEC utilizes cartography and GIS tools to create effective visualizations of data and easy-to-understand maps for the public. In this fast-paced world, we know that an effective visual can be the pathway for community engagement and action on critical environmental issues facing our region and the planet.
As the Senior Cartographer & GIS Analyst, you will leverage geospatial data and technology to support visual storytelling, conservation opportunities and better land use planning. Visual design work will require the integration of complex information to generate easy-to-understand map-based products for a range of audiences and media platforms. You will maintain an up-to-date GIS database for the Virginia Piedmont and surrounding areas and be the administrator of the PEC’s ArcGIS Online system. You will organize and share content with users on staff and train new staff on how to use the system. In addition, you will work with other staff to produce maps, data analyses and graphics for PEC staff, board and partner organizations as needed.
To read more, or to apply, visit
Places to post or look for jobs
Submit your job post to the Buffer Consortium newsletter by emailing Rachel Bensink and make sure to sign up to receive our newsletter!