Partner Profile


Shereen Hughes, Wetlands Watch and CBLP

kelly snoddy
Redbud tree

Favorite riparian plant: Paw Paws

These Paw Paws are located in a colony along a wetland walk in James City County. I visit them throughout the year, checking to see if I can grab some fruit before the critters get it. I have never been able to manage it, but hope springs eternal!


How does your work support healthy streamside ecosystems in the James River watershed?

I train professionals to use conservation landscaping principles to design, install, and maintain riparian buffers and I promote protection and restoration of wetlands and natural floodplains to keep water clean, provide flood mitigation, and maintain a healthy biodiverse streamside ecosystem.


What do you love most about your work?

I love being outside in nature, working with environmentally minded and motivated professionals all working to positively impact our natural and built environment.

What was your journey/career path that led you to the work you do now?

I have always loved the outdoors, water, and plants. I worked as a consulting hydrogeologist, studied landscape design and had my own landscape design business and then pulled all my interests together through conservation landscaping, natural resource protection and stormwater management. When I train others, there is always an outside component, plant component, and hands-on activities – and often I am on the water!


What do you value most about the Consortium? How has it positively impacted your work?

I love being inspired by others to be innovative and working together to align our efforts towards our common goal of healthy streamside ecosystems. I have met so many interesting and committed people doing great work to restore our watersheds and critical riparian habitat.

Virginia Department of Forestry

About Shereen Hughes

Organization: Wetlands Watch and Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) Program

Title: Assistant Director of Wetlands Watch and Virginia CBLP Co-Coordinator