About the Consortium
Consortium Goals and Action Teams
The Consortium has four Action Teams that support the Vision through associated Goals.
Consortium Action Plan
This Action Plan (updated in January 2025) serves to outline the goals, action strategies, and implementation plan for actualizing these priorities within the Consortium.

Planning Team
1. Goal: Increase collaboration and strengthen partnerships through developing an effective network of Riparian Consortium members.
2. Leads: James River Association, Dialogue + Design Associates
3. Contact: Christine Gyovai, info@dialogueanddesign.com

Knowledge Network Team
1. Goal: Build knowledge and capacity about best practices and innovation to ensure the use of the best researched methods for the greatest success of riparian restoration.
2. Leads: Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) Program , Stroud Water Research Center (Stroud), Center for Watershed Protection (CWP)
3. Contacts: Shereen Hughes and Beth Ginter, shereen.hughes@wetlandswatch.org, beth@cblpro.org

Targeting & Outreach Team
1. Goal: Build awareness of the importance of riparian areas and deliver outreach based on identified partner priorities, landowner interests, and restoration opportunity areas to increase strategic riparian investments.
2. Team Leads: James River Association, GreenFin Studio, Center for Watershed Protection
3. Contact: Rachel Bensink, rbensink@thejamesriver.org

Implementation Team
1. Goal: Coordinate implementation and fill funding gaps to support a holistic approach to riparian restoration projects that leverage partner resources and expertise.
2. Team Leads: James River Association, Trout Unlimited
3. Contact: Amber Ellis, aellis@thejamesriver.org
How can you get involved

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Join an Action Team
Membership is open to anyone. These teams move ideas into action.

Join the Steering Committee
The decision-making body for the Consortium meets monthly.