Streamside Success Stories


Works in Progress

Each property is unique, and each solution is unique. Here are a few examples of landowners who have successfully strengthened and enhanced their property with healthy riparian buffers. Explore the examples below. And if you have a story to share, fill out the form and we will be in touch.

Stephenson River Property

Stephenson River Property

Landowners restore a buffer that protects the James River and provides food and shelter to wildlife that travels through the area frequently.

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Hebron Hill Farm

Hebron Hill Farm

A fourth-generation cattle farmer takes steps to heal and preserve the land for future generations.

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Lodge Creek

Lodge Creek

A creek running through a residential Charlottesville property was eroding its banks. Native grasses and wildflowers stabilized the area and invited wildlife.

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Hundred Year Farm

Hundred Year Farm

This cattle farm in Cumberland County needed to establish protected buffer areas and a rotational grazing system for the herd.

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Walkers Run Farm

Walkers Run Farm

This Rockbridge County farm needed invasives control and a little TLC to repair damage from grazing cattle.

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Robert Schumacher

Robert Schumacher

The existing wooded riparian buffer areas on his 17 acres in Amherst County needed to be revived and extended.

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Braford Farm

Braford Farm

Landowners of Braford Farms in Rockbridge County wanted to build on early efforts to establish a buffer, and implement strategies to minimize damage from cattle.

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The State Farm

The State Farm

Straddling both sides of the James River in Goochland and Powhatan Counties, the State Farm needed comprehensive conservation plan to keep cattle from steams and restore streamside forests and wetlands.

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James Monroe’s Highland

James Monroe’s Highland

Highland, the home of James Monroe in Albemarle County, needed help with controlling invasives that were choking out native plants and impeding enjoyment of the trails.

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Stoney Crest Farm

Stoney Crest Farm

Stoney Crest Farm in Albemarle County needed cattle exclusion fencing and restoration of the riparian forest.

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Share your project!

We would love to share your projects! Fill out the form and we may be in touch to gather more details and ask for photos.