Success Stories
Lodge Creek

A creek running through a residential property lacked a buffer, and the flow of water after heavy rains was eroding the creek bank.
The owners planted native wildflowers and grasses to create a natural stream buffer adjacent to the creek.
This stretch of Lodge Creek now has better flood and erosion control, and offers a habitat for birds, pollinators, and other wildlife.
A successful buffer in an urban setting
Lodge Creek runs through the center of the Biasiolli family’s lawn at their home in Charlottesville.
In the spring of 2022, the family converted a 1,500 square foot area of turf to create a natural stream buffer adjacent to the creek. They qualified for cost share provided through the Charlottesville Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP) for conservation landscaping. After mulching the buffer area with cardboard and wood chips in fall 2021, they planted the buffer with native wildflowers and grasses in May 2022.
Though CCAP helped with funding, all of the work was done by the Biasiollis and a team of helpful friends. They did have a pro on the job though – Kim Biasiolli is a Senior Conservation Field Representative with the Piedmont Environmental Council.
This stretch of Lodge Creek now has better flood and erosion control, and the family is pleased to have created a beautiful habitat for birds, pollinators, and other wildlife.
Given the urban nature of this stream, we get exceptionally high flow immediately following heavy rain events, which resulted in obvious erosion of the streambank. The streambank is now much more stable, and we've got the added benefit of abundant wildlife activity in our front yard.

Planting native wildflowers and grasses.
Before adding a buffer, Lodge Creek ran high during rainstorms and was eroding its banks.
Site Prep
In Fall 2021, the Biasiollis covered 1,500 square feet of streambank with cardboard and wood chips.
In May 2022, the Biasiollis and friends planted native grasses and wildflowers.
The buffer is filling in nicely, providing a beautiful habitat for native species and preventing erosion.
Native wildlife thrives in the buffer.

Many urban waterways see heavy water flow after rains due to infrastructure and erosion. This project gave the property owners a chance to mitigate that flow, prevent erosion, and nurture a wildlife habitat to enjoy.
About the Project
Location: Charlottesville, VA
Year Installed: Fall 2021, Spring 2022
Land type: Private residential
Area of Riparian Buffer: 1,500 square feet
Native grass and wildflower plugs planted: 1,100
Improvements: 100 linear feet of stream bank re-vegetated
Programs used: Charlottesville Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP)
Key Partners: Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District
Installed by: Landowners and friends