Streambank Stabilization Learning Journey
Consortium partners participated in the Streambank Stabilization Learning Journey from 2023-24, inviting anyone interested in buffer health to come along. The result is a real-time look at the process, along with helpful resources and expert advice for streambank stabilization projects in the Upper and Middle James River watersheds.
What is Streambank Stabilization?
Stream systems are complex landforms that have developed over the course of Earth’s history, and these systems are essential habitat for many organisms. Current and historic watershed conditions, and rapid anthropogenic impacts have altered the stream ecosystems in the Upper and Middle James River watersheds.
Streambank stabilization consists of vegetative, structural and bioengineering methods to stabilize and protect streambanks. These interventions to restore streambank stability require a robust understanding of stream systems, their evolution, and the watershed areas that contribute to them.
Learning Journey Overview
In 2023 and 2024, the James River Association hosted a series of diverse learning opportunities for Consortium partners to build capacity for streambank stabilization in the Upper and Middle James River watersheds. This Streambank Stabilization Learning Journey walked Consortium partners through the entire process of a streambank stabilization project – including identifying potential sites, prioritizing sites for a project, navigating design and permitting, and observing project implementation.
The Learning Journey was originally coupled with a Request for Projects (RFP), where JRA allocated $30,000 to contribute to a selected small-scale streambank stabilization project. While the landowner of the selected site was ultimately unable to proceed with implementation, the Learning Journey has been supported by many field visits to streambank projects throughout the Upper & Middle James.
This webpage provides the resources and insights from the Learning Journey to facilitate ongoing learning among new and existing Consortium partners. Keep scrolling to explore the recordings, reports, photo galleries, and other resources from each phase of the Learning Journey.
2022-23: Stream Basics
- Key Issues Report on Streambank Stabilization
- Site Visits in Lynchburg, VA
- Introductory concepts and site selection considerations roundtable
2023: Site Selection
- Site visits in Powhatan, Lexington and Afton, VA
- Site selection meeting with the Consortium’s Implementation Team
2023-24: Design & Permitting
- Site visits in Lexington, VA
- Backyard buffer design workshop
- Design and permitting roundtable
2024: Installation
- Site visits in Albemarle County, VA
- Site visits throughout the upper and middle James
Resources and Contacts
Introductory Concepts, 2022
Learning Journey Activity: Dialogue + Design Associates developed the Key Issues Report on Streambank Stabilization to better understand the barriers and opportunities around addressing streambank erosion and to identify roles and goals for the Consortium.
Contacts: Amber Ellis, Restoration Director, James River Association, and Emily Carlson, Project Manager and Consultant, Dialogue + Design,
Site Visits, May 2023
Learning Journey Activity: Kip Mumaw from Ecosystem Services hosted a stream walk in Lynchburg, VA.
Resources: [Link to corresponding subsection in Photo Gallery; still needs to be created]
Contacts: Kip Mumaw, Principal Engineer and Co-Founder, Ecosystem Services,
Introductory Concepts & Site Selection, June 2023
Learning Journey Activity: The Center for Watershed Protection partnered with JRA’s Consortium Knowledge Network Team and a suite of expert presenters to host a virtual roundtable event, designed to build capacity and knowledge around introductory concepts and site selection considerations for streambank stabilization projects.
- Building Capacity for Streambank Stabilization: Summary of Site Selection Roundtable Report
- Event Recording and Presentation Resource Links
Contacts: Jordan Fox, GIS Analyst and Research Specialist, Center for Watershed Protection,
Site Visits, August 2023
Learning Journey Activity: Louise Finger from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources hosted visits to streambank stabilization project sites in Powhatan, Lexington, and Afton, VA.
Contacts: Louise Finger, Stream Restoration Biologist, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources,
Site Visits, October 2023
Learning Journey Activity: JRA and Consortium partners met at an eroding streambank on a private residential property in the Wood’s Creek watershed in Lexington, VA, to discuss potential design work.
Resources: [Link to corresponding subsection in Photo Gallery section]
Contacts: Amber Ellis, Restoration Director, James River Association,
Permitting, January 2024
Learning Journey Activity: Louise Finger from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources hosted a virtual meeting covering the permit application process for the Sarah’s Run Bank Stabilization Project in Lexington, VA.
Contacts: Louise Finger, Stream Restoration Biologist, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources,
Design & Permitting; Field Visits, February 2024
Learning Journey Activity: JRA and Consortium partners held a Backyard Buffer Design Workshop in Lexington, VA, where participants explored a nearby site on a private residential property and then learned about design considerations and resources for restoring streamside vegetation.
Contacts: Amber Ellis, Restoration Director, James River Association,
Design & Permitting, June 2024
Learning Journey Activity: The Center for Watershed Protection partnered with JRA’s Consortium Knowledge Network Team and a suite of expert presenters to host a second virtual roundtable event focused on knowledge and capacity building around design and permitting for streambank stabilization projects.
- Building Capacity for Streambank Stabilization: Summary of Design and Permitting Roundtable Report
- Event Recording and Presentation Resource Links
Contacts: Jordan Fox, GIS Analyst and Research Specialist, Center for Watershed Protection,
Site Visits, June 2024
Learning Journey Activity: Kip Mumaw from Ecosystem Services hosted visits to streambank stabilization project sites in Albemarle County, VA: Woodbrook Lagoon and Chapel Hills Stream Restoration.
Contacts: Kip Mumaw, Principal Engineer and Co-Founder, Ecosystem Services,
Topic & Timeframe
Learning Journey Activity
Introductory Concepts, 2022
Dialogue + Design Associates developed the Key Issues Report on Streambank Stabilization to better understand the barriers and opportunities around addressing streambank erosion and to identify roles and goals for the Consortium.
Amber Ellis, Restoration Director, James River Association,
Emily Carlson, Project Manager and Consultant, Dialogue + Design,
Site Visits, May 2023
Kip Mumaw from Ecosystem Services hosted a stream walk in Lynchburg, VA.
[Link to corresponding subsection in Photo Gallery; still needs to be created]
Kip Mumaw, Principal Engineer and Co-Founder, Ecosystem Services,
Introductory Concepts & Site Selection, June 2023
The Center for Watershed Protection partnered with JRA’s Consortium Knowledge Network Team and a suite of expert presenters to host a virtual roundtable event, designed to build capacity and knowledge around introductory concepts and site selection considerations for streambank stabilization projects.
Jordan Fox, GIS Analyst and Research Specialist, Center for Watershed Protection,
Site Visits, August 2023
Louise Finger from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources hosted visits to streambank stabilization project sites in Powhatan, Lexington, and Afton, VA.
Louise Finger, Stream Restoration Biologist, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources,
Site Visits, October 2023
JRA and Consortium partners met at an eroding streambank on a private residential property in the Wood’s Creek watershed in Lexington, VA, to discuss potential design work.
[Link to corresponding subsection in Photo Gallery section]
Amber Ellis, Restoration Director, James River Association,
Permitting, January 2024
Louise Finger from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources hosted a virtual meeting covering the permit application process for the Sarah’s Run Bank Stabilization Project in Lexington, VA.
Louise Finger, Stream Restoration Biologist, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources,
Design & Permitting; Field Visits, February 2024
JRA and Consortium partners held a Backyard Buffer Design Workshop in Lexington, VA, where participants explored a nearby site on a private residential property and then learned about design considerations and resources for restoring streamside vegetation.
Amber Ellis, Restoration Director, James River Association,
Design & Permitting, June 2024
The Center for Watershed Protection partnered with JRA’s Consortium Knowledge Network Team and a suite of expert presenters to host a second virtual roundtable event focused on knowledge and capacity building around design and permitting for streambank stabilization projects.
- Building Capacity for Streambank Stabilization: Summary of Design and Permitting Roundtable Report (coming soon!)
- Event Recording and Presentation Resource Links
Jordan Fox, GIS Analyst and Research Specialist, Center for Watershed Protection,
Site Visits, June 2024
Kip Mumaw from Ecosystem Services hosted visits to streambank stabilization project sites in Albemarle County, VA: Woodbrook Lagoon and Chapel Hills Stream Restoration.
Kip Mumaw, Principal Engineer and Co-Founder, Ecosystem Services,
Photo Gallery
October 2023
The streambank group meets on site, at a private residential property in the Wood’s Creek Watershed in Lexington VA, to begin discussing design work.
November 2023
Partners visited three potential sites: the Virginia Department of Corrections’ State Farm property in Powhatan; Hope’s Legacy in Afton; and Woods Creek Watershed Residence, Lexington
Virginia Department of Corrections’ State Farm property, Powhatan
Hope’s Legacy, Afton
Woods Creek Watershed Residence, Lexington
June 2024
Streambank Stabilization Project field visits with partners of the Upper & Middle James Riparian Consortium, led by Kip Mumaw of Ecosystem Services, to Woodbrook Lagoon and Chapel Hill.
Stay in touch!
Have you ever been faced with an eroding streambank on a site visit and wondered what the next steps should be? Sign up for the Consortium’s newsletter to stay updated about more resources and events!
If you have questions about an eroding streambank in the Upper & Middle James, please contact Amber Ellis at
The Consortium would like to express their appreciation for all individuals and organizations who contributed to the Streambank Stabilization Learning Journey!
This material is based on work supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Assistance Agreement No. CB96358201) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund, which promotes community-based efforts to develop conservation strategies to protect and restore the diverse natural resources of the Chesapeake Bay. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U.S. Government or the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and its funding sources. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government, or the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation or its funding sources.