Success Stories
Ronnie Nuckols, Overhome Farm

New to raising cattle, Ronnie Nuckols needed to manage his herd while protecting his land.
Improve fencing, add alternative livestock watering sources, and designate wooded buffer zones.
Being a good steward of the land benefits all of its inhabitants. Goochland County cattle farmer Ronnie Nuckols has learned that protecting streams and limiting access has long-term payoffs.
“The first year I just tried to survive. But I started to ask myself, how can I turn this around so that I’m managing the cattle and they’re not managing me?” ~ Ronnie Nuckols

About the Project
Location: Goochland County, Virginia
Year Installed: 2010 and ongoing
Land Type: Agricultural
Acres of Forest Buffer: About 50
Key Partners: Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), Natural Resources Conservation Service
Open-Space Easement: Virginia Outdoors Foundation
Improvements: Fencing, alternative livestock watering sources, designated wooded buffer zones, open-space easement